If MR C is assigned to Shana, what resources are available to help her? Do you think there is overlapping of roles in this scenario? If Melissa considered the assignment to be inappropriate, what should she do?Discuss

Case Study Assignment 1: The Three Factor Framework in Acute Care Read the case below and answer all the questions that follow. Case Scenario There are two RN’s and four RPN’s working in a medical floor on a day shift in a hospital. All nurses are assigned four patients each. One RN has been assigned […]

Discuss Harry’s acute management and nursing care in the first 24 hours following the deterioration with reference to the relevant pathophysiology.

Harry Ware is a 45-year-old gentleman who has recently visited his General Practitioner (GP) complaining of a ‘chest infection’. He was admitted immediately to your ward where he was diagnosed as suffering from acute bronchopneumonia. On admission, he had a productive cough and complained of general pain in his chest when breathing deeply, felt lethargic […]

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