Prepare a review of a journal article that examines a scholarly article’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of what the article is attempting to accomplish.

Focus: NCAA By law concerns / or / PED’s Performance Enhancing Drugs Find an article that analyzes the use of PED’s in sport, and follow the prompts to complete your assignment. A review of a journal article that examines a scholarly article’s strengths and weaknesses in terms of what the article is attempting to accomplish. […]

Consider the examples of the PED-using athlete and the college representative accused of providing inappropriate benefits. What typologies might have been used effectively and ineffectively in these situations?Discuss

Description Consider these Scenarios: 1 – An athlete is accused of taking performance-enhancing drugs. He and his team address the public with a strong message that the drugs, while prescribed by a qualified physician, could have affected the athlete’s performance. The athlete vows to stop taking the drugs and is given disciplinary action in the […]

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