Define the epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical tenants that guide the existing approaches to your question you have found in the current literature.

Person Centered Care – knowledge development and methodology Description The purpose of this paper is to explore the fundamental epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological, and philosophical tenants that guide scholarly inquiry as evidenced in a published research study while identifying, defining, and describing your own approach. This assignment will be foundational to the future work you […]

What assumptions have been made in the scholarly literature about the topic area where you have a question?Explain

Staff perception in person centered care for people with dementia in continuing care Assessment criteria for this assignment: –  LITERATURE REVIEW a.     Introduction/background: describe your question/issue and establish significance and relevance. Include clear purpose statement of the literature review. b.     Methodology: describe in detail the methodology you employed to conduct the search of the literature, including the; search protocol, inclusion/exclusion […]

Using a holistic approach to assessment, what strategies would you use to determine how social determinants influence the individual’s health? Provide three questions that might aid in assessing these variables.

Holistic Assessment and the Social Determinants of Health Description The social determinants of health play an important role in shaping the health and well-being of individuals across the lifespan. As with all health assessment, it is imperative for health care professionals to strive to keep an open mind, respect differences, and be aware of personal […]

Examine roles and competencies of advanced practice nurses essential to performing as leaders and advocates of holistic, safe, and quality care

Week 5: Systems Theory and Practice Issues Purpose The purpose of the graded collaborative discussions is to engage faculty and students in an interactive dialogue to assist the student in organizing, integrating, applying, and critically appraising knowledge regarding advanced nursing practice. Scholarly information obtained from credible sources as well as professional communication are required. Application of information to professional […]

Discuss implications of the MSN project for advanced nursing practice, including: (a) how the impact of MSN project will promote efficiency or cost savings within the healthcare environment; and (b) how the project will contribute to a culture of safe, high-quality, person-centered care.

Purpose Within the clinical healthcare environment, human, material, and financial resources can impact the delivery of safe, high-quality, person-centered care. As a result, efficient management of resources is a crucial aspect of advanced nursing practice within the clinical environment. Responsible use and management of financial resources is essential as revenue streams and reimbursement guidelines continue […]

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