Identify and determine the day-to-day operations and procedures performed at the facility and to conduct a personal interview with the director or manager.

Facility Visit/Interview Successful sport managers must understand a variety of components in the sport industry. One of those areas involves facility and event management. Another includes understanding consumer behavior and employing effective marketing. One way to learn about these areas and to begin to understand their complexities is to ask questions and discuss these topics […]

Write a 4-5 page paper that synthesizes and reflects upon the responses to these questions. As you write the paper, compare and contrast your own answers to the questions and those provided by the older person you interviewed. Were there similarities in your answers? What were some of the differences? Do you think happiness means something vastly different for younger vs. older people? Explain.

STEP 1: Watch this TED talk by Robert Waldinger, psychiatrist and professor at Harvard Medical School. He discusses some of the results of the Grant study, which has followed groups of men over a 75 year, longitudinal study, and explains some of the factors leading to a happy life. STEP 2: After viewing this video […]

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