In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?

Read Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies (Representations) Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you and interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?

Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. Is any of this new information to you? How do you feel about it? What do you want to explore? What questions do you have?

“Equalities” in Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. Is any of this new information to you? How do you feel about it? What do you […]

Read chapter 2 “Identities” in Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies. Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative.

Read chapter 2 “Identities” in Everyday Women’s and Gender Studies. Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this reading. Is any of this new information to you? How do you feel about it? […]

Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this film. Is any of this new information to you?

View the film Iron Jawed Angels Here are some links about the film: Reflect on a section, word, quote, or phrase that strikes you as interesting or provocative. In the style of a personal journal, write a reaction to or reflection of this film. Is any of this new information to you? How […]

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