Restate your specific goal and describe the relevance of the BA.GST degree and your chosen concentration to that goal. Discuss how this background will effectively help you reach your goal. Explain how a diverse educational background would make you an asset to any effort or organization.

Now that you have declared your concentration(s) for your degree, it is important to consider your rationale and practice communicating your choice in pursuing the BA.GST degree. In this discussion, assume you are meeting with your current employer or a potential employer who may offer you a job or someone who supports your personal goal. […]

Elevator pitch need to include your introduction, what you do now. what you can offer of value to a potential employer, what you want from the contact, and how you will follow up.

Elevator Pitch 200-300 words elevator pitch on an app for people find parkings at someone’s house. This is allow people to park at local resident’s house near big events. Elevator pitch need to include your introduction, what you do now. what you can offer of value to a potential employer, what you want from the […]

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