Identify and analyze ethical issues in the policy, identify the potential ethical implications the public program or policy initiative has or will have on impacted groups , suggest alternatives, and as the public administrator responsible for the policy, recommend a pathway forward.

Write about how Biden made a campaign promise to ban the death penalty and has not followed through. Capital Punishment is the state-sanctioned act of killing someone as punishment for a crime. Capital Punishment otherwise known as the death penalty is used in both the state and federal justice systems. Recently, there has been a […]

How is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez using Instagram in her role in the United States Congress? How is it effective and how might it be problematic?Explain

Digital Literacy Description This assignment involves completing online research and writing a mini research paper on your findings. In order to complete it successfully, you will need to choose a narrow, focused topic; research that topic; write a 1-2 page essay, Step 1: Choose a Topic Your first task is to pick a topic to […]

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