Why does Angela Davis write that we must consider racist systems, such as the prison industrial complex, in a global context?Explain

Social constructs 1. What does Ta-Nehisi Coates mean when he writes that “race is a social construct”? What is a “social construct”? 2. Why does Angela Davis write that we must consider racist systems, such as the prison industrial complex, in a global context? 3. Which theory of gender makes the most sense to you?Explain […]

If you feel comfortable how has the prison industrial complex affected you , if it has?Explain

Description Watch the film 13th by ava duvernay,think about intersectionality.How does privilege work in the prison industrial complex especially in terms of race and class be specific. what do you see as changes from the end of the book race to incarcerate and the film there is a 10 year difference between the two was […]

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