Project manager reviews the schedule, cost reports and daily reports for progress. She notices that progress is at a Productivity rate of 0.96, with costs for the planned value of the work at 117%. This is the second reporting period in which these factors; Productivity rate less than 1.0 and costs greater than 100%. Explain what she sees in the data and what can be expected going forward if no action is taken.

Please do questions 1-5 and type your answers under the question. 1.Explain the difference between Planned Value and Earned Value as it related to a cost loaded schedule. 2.Define what an SPI of 1.05 means? Is it acceptable? 3.A project manager reviews the schedule, cost reports and daily reports for progress. She notices that progress […]

How does it feel to be moving to this new stage of the team project? What observations and recommendations might you make to support or improve the team experience?:How might you continue to support your team’s development and ongoing progress?

How does it feel to be moving to this new stage of the team project? What observations and recommendations might you make to support or improve the team experience? Do you feel comfortable offering your observations and suggestions to the team? Hearing others’ suggestions and observations? What are some ways you might help the team […]

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