Find a website, video, article, podcast, or presentation that offers advice on effective proofreading. Write a brief email message to your instructor, describing the item you found and summarizing the career skills information you learned from it.

Sharpening Your Career Skills Online Find a website, video, article, podcast, or presentation that offers advice on effective proofreading. Write a brief email message to your instructor, describing the item you found and summarizing the career skills information you learned from it.

Take two topics of your own choice and write a 2 full-page Compare and Contrast Essay using the organization techniques.

Take two topics of your own choice and write a 2 full-page Compare and Contrast Essay using the organization techniques 1. Choose two topics of your choice to compare and contrast. You are not required to do any research for this essay, so this assignment encourages you to pick topics you know about so that […]

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