Identify whether the group is open or closed in terms of population and whether it is a fixed number of sessions or on-going (and why). Discuss the pros & cons of your chosen format.

Paper Outline:  Use this book and And other sources. Yalom, I. D., & Leszcz, M. (2020). The theory and practice of group psychotherapy (6th ed.). New York, NY: Basic Books. ISBN-13: 978-1541617575]   Section 1-Title, Purpose, Format of the Group: (include citations for such group answering the outline questions below) Name of group and why […]

As a group leader, how would you lead the initial stage of your group? Identify ways in which you might facilitate trust in your group. How would you know that trust has been established among your group members?Explain

  Assignment 8.1: Initial Stage1/3 Assignment 8.1:Initial Stage Due Points 50 Submitting a file upload Short Paper  Start Assignment Points: 50 Due: Directions Consider the following questions as you draft Sessions 1 and 2 for your new psychotherapeutic group, focusing on Stage 2, the Initial Stage (see Assignment 14.1: Group Manual). As a group leader, […]

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