Develop ethical and culturally equitable solutions to economic problems within a health care organization in an effort to improve the quality of care and services offered.

Lobbying for change – nursing shortage Write a letter to an official in your state or local government. The purpose of this letter is to advocate for action with regards to your chosen health care environment issue. Introduction Note: Each assessment in this course builds upon the work you have completed in previous assessments. Therefore, […]

Provide a brief explanation of your analysis and any tips you can share about your process for creating the visualizations that others can benefit from.

Visualizing Data Communicating information learned from data is often most effectively done by creating visual representations of the findings. In this group assignment, you will work with your collaborative group to create bars and graphs based on public health data. The objective of this assignment is to help each other learn and reinforce this crucial […]

Analyze how public health data and definitions have changed over the past decade, and you will evaluate the consistency and reliability of this data.

Analyzing Changing Data and Definitions Description For this Assignment, you will analyze how public health data and definitions have changed over the past decade, and you will evaluate the consistency and reliability of this data. To prepare: • Review the article: Why Do Americans Have Shorter Life Expectancy and Worse Health Than Do People in […]

Incorporating what you learned in this module about risk and rates, what would you say was one major factor that influenced the achievement of this occurrence? Write 2–3 paragraphs and be sure to cite sources rather than simply stating your opinion.

Public Health and Epidemiology Write an essay in which you first clearly identify a single major achievement in Epidemiology (e.g., Smallpox, HIV/AIDS, Tobacco Use, Cholera). Briefly describe one important tool that is used to measure its occurrence in a population. Briefly identify one source of public health data on that issue. Finally, incorporating the concepts […]

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