Describe the views of Americans concerning the nation’s progress on matters related to race. How do people believe things have changed under the Administration of Donald Trump and how do they view his handling of racial issues?

Report: Pew Study on Race in America Before beginning this assignment, make certain that you have read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”). Then read pages 4-16 of the Pew Research Center report, Race in America 2019 (see link below), and write a brief report. The report should contain three separate […]

Relying on the Pew Research Center Report, briefly summarize what Americans think about the role of the federal government in addressing various policy issues.Describe general levels of trust of and contentment with the federal government and indicate what changes can be detected over time.

Read Chapter 6 in your text (“Public Opinion and Political Action”), the 2021 Pew Research Center Report titled “Americans See Broad Responsibilities for Government: Little Change Since 2019” (March 17), and the 2020 article by Eli Finkel et al. from Science titled, “Political Sectarianism in America” (October, Vol. 370, Issue 6516). Wwrite a brief report […]

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