List the four criteria you have established for the humanitarian award and give an explanation of each.

Read about Daniel Burnham, Louis Sullivan, and Frederick Law Olmstead, whose work in urban planning transformed the modern city. You learned about Ida Tarbell and Upton Sinclair, muckrakers who brought corporate corruption and abuse to light. You were introduced to Jane Addams, the founder of the settlement house movement. You saw how Booker T. Washington […]

Summarize the main points discussed by Alicia Garza on building power and social movements in our time.

Purpose of Power/BLM 1. Summarize the main points (300 words) discussed by Alicia Garza on building power and social movements in our time. 2. Discuss with your peers ( 150 words) what you find as the most urgent in Black Agenda 2020 to achieve racial equality. ( (Links to an external site.))

How do you think critical reasoning could help to move these issues in a positive direction, and how can that be applied in a way that people do not feel threatened?Explain

Recently we have gone through (and are still going through) a pandemic, a massive social movement for racial equality, a financial crisis, and we just came out of an election year. Much of the public discourse surrounding all of these current issues shows polarized viewpoints and an inability for viewpoints to change when presented with […]

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