Craft an argumentative essay that analyzes two or three examples of cultural, national, or transnational responses/solutions to the challenges faced by these populations from the late nineteenth through the first third of the twentieth century.

Write a 4-5pp (pages) response (double-spaced, 12 point font) to the question below. Your reply should be your own analysis, with an absolute minimum of quotes (if they appear at all). Submit the paper AS A WORD DOCUMENT to your TA via NYU Brightspace (or directly to the TA if that is her/his/their preference). Include […]

To what extent do struggles against capitalism address the problems associated with racism and colonialism?Discuss

Description 173 years ago, Karl Marx and Fredrich Engels claimed that capitalism and the conflict it fomented between bourgeoisie and proletariat represented the major problem of the 19th Century (Manifesto of the Communist Party, 1848). 55 years later, W.E.B. Du Bois claimed that the color line—the conflict between the darker- and lighter-skinned races—represented the major […]

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