Did they bring new insights or truths about the human condition? Did they foster a new way of thinking, or outlook? Did they initiate new forms and break conventions through innovation? Were they “revolutionary” in positive and/or negative ways as we look back from today’s perspective on them?

Considering three major movements in Western Culture  discuss and cite your reasons for what you consider to be the most significantcontributions in Art, as they have impacted and influenced our contemporary times. Did they bring new insights or truths about the human condition? Did they foster a new way of thinking, or outlook? Did they […]

Define Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary terrorism. Do they have anything in common? How are they different? What are these types of terrorism are +* groups involved in?

Define Revolutionary and Counterrevolutionary terrorism. Do they have anything in common? How are they different? What are these types of terrorism are +* groups involved in? Identify several countries which have groups who participate in this type of terrorism. Provide your thoughts on several of the groups who participate in these types of terrorism. Provide […]

What kind of a story can you tell about the development of the novel that would explain their fates, and also explain the novel’s development?

How might April Wheeler (from the movie Revolutionary Road) and Emma Bovary (from the novel Madame Bovary by Flaubert) be understood together? What kind of a story can you tell about the development of the novel that would explain their fates, and also explain the novel’s development?

Compare and contrast the experiences of colonial and U.S. soldiers (including your ancestors) from the War of Independence in the 18th century through the early 20th century.

You are a freelance reporter who has been hired by the Military Times to write a comprehensive essay about the experiences of soldiers from the Revolutionary War through World War I that will be published on November 11 (Veterans Day). Discussion of World War I should be primary as Veterans Day is related to this […]

Identify Trendkite problems and write down 5 ways in which those problems could be solved:Is Trendkite solution Evolutionary or Revolutionary? Why?

Description Watch Trendkite videos and read Lesson 1 and 2 from the PowerPoint, and answer all 5 questions. In this assignment, you need to: 1) Identify Trendkite problems and write down 5 ways in which those problems could be solved 2) Select a Solution that is: a) Novel for Trendkite b) Sustainable for Trendkite 3) […]

The American Revolution created both political and social disruptions in colonial society. It opened up new opportunities for women to challenge traditional ideas of femininity and participate in the conflict (as Revolutionaries or Loyalists);Analyze how the American Revolution created opportunities to challenge traditional roles for women.

The American Revolution created both political and social disruptions in colonial society. It opened up new opportunities for women to challenge traditional ideas of femininity and participate in the conflict (as Revolutionaries or Loyalists). Analyze how the American Revolution created opportunities to challenge traditional roles for women. Overall, consider whether the American Revolution was “revolutionary” […]

What major political events led to the start of the Revolutionary War and what justifications were put forward by the American Colonials?

What major political events led to the start of the Revolutionary War and what justifications were put forward by the American Colonials? MINIMUM of 3 pages long, 1.5 spacing, 12 font and 1 inch margins maximum.

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