Create an exception for illegal Roman numerals Create a class called Illegal Roman Numeral Exception that extends Illegal Argument Exception as shown in lecture.

Use a GUI to open the file for displaying the Roman numerals Modify your Roman Numeral GUI so that it will be a complete J Frame with a menu bar and menus. There should be two menus: one called File and another called Convert. The File menu should have the menu items Open and Quit. […]

Provide an outline that includes the key elements identified in the template. An outline contains only 2-3 sentences describing the planning, process, and reason for planning. The outline should be no more than three pages .

Review and study Chapters 1 – 8 in the textbook . Review and study the Power Points posted on Blackboard. Review the video: Putting Your SWOT to Work at Review “How to Write an Outline in APA Format” at Prepare an Outline of your strategic plan using the Case Study: Coastal Medical Center, […]

If God knows everything that’s going to happen, has the power to prevent human suffering, and wants only good things for us, why does suffering happen anyway? Theodicy is the attempt to reconcile these divine characteristics with the existence of evil in this world. What is Augustine’s theodicy? Do you think he is able to resolve the Problem of Evil?Explain

Description When citing Augustine’s Confessions, you should give both the book number and the chapter number. There are no line numbers to worry about. The chapter numbers are the bold numbers at the start of most paragraphs. Since the edition we are using has Roman numerals for book numbers, we will use Roman numerals, too. […]

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