In 250-500 words, explain how you plan to involve Fiona’s parents in meeting her goals. Include a specific at-home activity to help in her continued success.

Description Because lessons do not stop when a student leaves the classroom, purposeful collaboration with other teachers, staff, and families can help reinforce and expand the student’s knowledge and skills. Whenever possible, teachers should try to engage families in ways that encourage them to have their child practice the math skills at home. Having both […]

Create 10 separate entries in your journal (see calendar for deadlines). Each entry accounts for about two hours of field experience for the total of the 10 entries adding to 20 hours.

Rewording all the portions on the right that is blank and making the flow the same. Virtual Field Experience Journal Assignment During the virtual field experience, students will view classrooms and/or listen to teachers as they discuss working with students with high-incidence disabilities, as well as families, teachers and other professionals providing instruction and services […]

Discuss the legal, ethical, and quality requirements related to the management of confidential student information when working with paraeducators, tutors, or volunteers.

Special education teachers must remain professional in all situations and are often required to make decisions that involve ethical issues. It is important that special education teachers be aware of the ethical and professional standards as well as special education law. Review the “Case Study: Stephen.” In an essay of 1,000-1,250 words, address the following: […]

With the mentor teacher, observe the student or small group of students while they work on math problems in class. Identify areas where the student or students seem to struggle.

Clinical Field Experience : Identifying Student Challenges When teaching mathematics to students with mild to moderate disabilities, special education teachers first will identify student challenges. Identifying these challenges is vital in addressing the specific needs to help students continue to flourish in their academics. There can be numerous areas in which students struggle in mathematics […]

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