According to Rousseau, why is there no inequality, dependence, war, and misery in that state? Briefly discuss to what extent you find Rousseau’s arguments convincing.

In the Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Rousseau argues that in the original state of nature human life is a life of equality, freedom, peace, and happiness. Explain Rousseau’s arguments for this claim: what does Rousseau mean by the term ‘state of nature’? How does he claim to know about the state of nature? […]

Come up with a minimum of six rules and for each one justify it be describing in detail how it will aid in the optimal running of the classroom.

Thomas Hobbes motivates the Social Contract Theory by asking as to imagine The State of Nature. The point being that we would naturally want to escape this condition and the way to do so is by the creation of a social contract that allows for cooperative living. Generally, the discussion gravitates towards questions of political […]

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