Produce a presentation, in the Pecha Kucha 20×20 style.Submit the presentation, with audio of yourself talking over it as it runs, plus a set of presenter notes in the PowerPoint ‘notes’ area.

Description Module: Supply Network Design and Global Logistics Assignment 2: Presentation – Pecha Kucha Presentation with Notes (30%) Length: Presentation length: 20 slides, each with 20 seconds of audio recording Presenter notes: 500 words in the PowerPoint ‘notes’ area Submission date: Refer to the Assignments tab for details. In this assessment you will be required […]

Critically discuss modern methods of inventory management in an operational environment and critically evaluate these terms with more traditional models such as re-order point and EOQ.

  Question 1 Critically evaluate the issues involved in relation to the effective Logistical movement of products. Consider how the Covid-19 Pandemic has changed the Logistical approach here. Provide THREE examples from the academic literature to underpin your arguments. Consider the wider network here and the utilisation of a HUB and Spoke Network. Question 2 […]

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