From your clinical placement, reflect upon a medication safety knowledge interaction with a patient, patient’s family or a staff member, a clinical skill or a patient outcome where you must have been directly involved.
Critical Self-Reflection Task Description “Medication safety refers to the safe use of medicines to achieve therapeutic outcomes and improve people’s quality of life, while minimising risks and responding to errors. Medication safety is dependent upon the nurses’ ability to manage the human and systems factors that have the potential to adversely impact the accuracy of medication prescribing, dispensing and administration, and to educate patients to self-manage medications appropriately.” (Patient Safety Competency Framework 2017) From your clinical placement, reflect upon a medication safety knowledge interaction with a patient, patient’s family or a staff member, a clinical skill or a patient outcome where you must have been directly involved. One (1) Medication Safety knowledge area must be chosen from the following Patient Safety Competency Framework (PSCF) Standards (2017) as the subject of your reflection. : 1. Outlines key principles of safe medication management 2. Identifies factors that have the potential to compromise safe medication practices 3. Defines and differentiates between a medication error, adverse drug reactions, drug sensitivity, side effects and drug allergy 4. Describes the roles and responsibilities of members of the medication team responsible for prescribing, dispensing and administering medications 5. Outlines legislative and organisational requirements for medication prescription, storage, use and administration 6. Describes how to report medication incidents including adverse drug reactions, medication errors and near misses You will write a critical self-reflection on your interaction utilising the Johns’ Model (described below) Write to the headings and subheadings answering the questions as prompts to assist you to reflect (see below for assessment layout). Johns Model Reflection (Modified by Euler, 2019) Description of the experience ● Describe the experience and the significant factors Reflection ● What was I trying to achieve and what were the consequences? Influencing Factors ● What factors (internal/external/knowledge) affected my decision making? Could I have dealt with it better? ● What other choices did I have and what were th consequences of those choices? Learning ● […]