Provide an overview of the cardiovascular system in older adults . Discuss factors that contribute to the changes in the myocardium and show an image of the changes..

This assignment entails the development of a narrated (voiceover) PowerPoint Presentation (PPP) on a cardiovascular health problem among older adults. Under the ‘notes’ section of each slide,  write your narration. Plan to talk for about 10-15 minutes, which may translate to 9 – 12 slides. When including in-text citations, use only stated facts like dates […]

What steps would you take? What would you need to consider in building this team Assess your strengths and skill gaps as a leader of the team. When selecting members of the team – what specific characteristics/skills would you look for in team members?

In a Microsoft Word document of 3-4 pages formatted in APA style, describe the process of forming a team. You have been asked by your nurse manager to establish a scheduling team for your nursing unit. As you begin to think about developing this team how would you begin this process? What steps would you […]

How did ineffective communication negatively impact the given program and its stakeholders? What would you change to improve the communication with the stakeholders?

YOU MUST USE Provided PDF  as one resource the others must be within 5 years. PLEASE USE TEMPLATE PROVIDED Overview In this assignment, you will critique a health or healthcare program based on the provided literature. Before beginning this assignment, please visit the module Resources section and explore the program critique reading resource. This assignment […]

After watching the video write a brief essay articulating how you will apply the content in the video to their own team.

Paper detalis: Students are to watch the following video by Amy Edmonson. The video discusses how students can improve their own contributions as team members. Here is the link to the video:. After watching the video write a brief essay articulating how you will apply the content in the video to their own team […]

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