In what specific ways did Lincoln demonstrate emotional intelligence? How did his interpersonal skills make him an effective leader? (Chapter 8). What about his nonverbal communication skills…were there points in the film in which Lincoln’s nonverbals improved his communication effectiveness?

Introduction: Lincoln portrays the great president’s struggle to ratify the 13th amendment—which, if passed, would ban slavery in the United States everywhere and for all time. The film also depicts the diversity of perspectives among the members of Lincoln’s cabinet, whom he had chosen precisely for that reason and masterfully illustrates Lincoln’s skills as a […]

How did Lincoln utilize Leadership Language (Chapter 3) to mobilize support in favor of the 13th amendment’s ratification? Specifically analyze Lincoln’s tone and style—was he able to create a positive ethos? In what ways did Lincoln make his communication especially memorable and persuasive?

Introduction: Lincoln portrays the great president’s struggle to ratify the 13th amendment—which, if passed, would ban slavery in the United States everywhere and for all time. The film also depicts the diversity of perspectives among the members of Lincoln’s cabinet, whom he had chosen precisely for that reason and masterfully illustrates Lincoln’s skills as a […]

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