Based off your research, what are the positive aspects of the source (film, documentary)? What about it was historically accurate? Did the film-maker achieve their goal?Explain

History Assignment You will be describing and analyzing a secondary source for purpose, content accuracy and whether it achieved its purpose. A secondary source is a document, book, video documentary or film that describes, portrays, and/or represents a real historic event or person. For this assignment you will be using a video documentary or a […]

Would you like to teach in the school depicted in the film? Why or why not?Explain

Watch: TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD (1962) Run Time: 129 minutes Reflection: Does the film remind you of a current issue? Which one(s)? Describe the similarities and differences. What elements of effective teaching did you observe in the film? Is good teaching in the 1950s and 1960s still considered good teaching today? Investigate the sequel, currently […]

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