Describe any historical trauma experienced by this How does this trauma manifest in the population you observe at your service-learning site?Discuss

paper structure: pages 1-6 CONTENT page 7 REFRENCES (3 references, you can use the attached article as one) NO TITLE PAGE Students are expected to write a paper that addresses the context and helping strategies with a popular vulnerable population  . Note that this paper needs to focus on the population that is served by […]

What does the ACE study mean for our understanding of health as a society, and how might we use this information to create better health?Discuss

The required videos are The Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (lecture by Dr. Vincent Felitti – ONLY watch up until the 60 min mark) AND The TED Talk by Nadine Burke Harris on Childhood Trauma. Please submit a 1-2 page response paper to the information presented in the Felitti and Burke Harris videos. Explore the question: […]

Write a proposal for the content of a brief professional development session for colleagues focused on a specific trauma-related issue.Specific trauma related issue is VICARIOUS TRAUMA within the mental health practice field.

Write a proposal for the content of a brief professional development session for colleagues focused on a specific trauma-related issue (VICARIOUS TRAUMA) this may be at your organisation (INPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH FACILITY) Specific trauma related issue I’ve chosen is VICARIOUS TRAUMA within the mental health practice field. The brief professional development session will be directed […]

Discuss the procedures for identifying trauma and abuse and for reporting abuse when safety issues arise for the counselor or the client.

Locate a minimum of two current scholarly articles (published within the last 10 years from the professional literature) that address counselor safety and two articles that address client safety in counseling situations, for a total of four articles. Tip: You may need to look at multiple disciplines, such as counseling, social work, emergency and crisis […]

Discuss as an RN, how you would implement ONE strategyto improve health outcomes for Ab original & Torres Strait Islander person experiencing Transgenerational trauma.(Approximately 300 words value 15%)

1Assessment task 3:Analysis and discussion Due 5pm Wednesday 2nd September 2020 Weight: 50%Word limit: 1500 words (+/-10%)The purpose of this assessment is to explore the impact of“Transgenerational Trauma”in relation to “Black Lives Matter”and the ‘Closing the Gap’(CTG) policy on Ab original & Torres Strait Islander People’s health outcomes.To complete this task, students are toanalyse the […]

What is the impact of trauma on addiction. What is the number one public health crisis in America according to Scott? What impact did ice-climbing have on Scott and his addiction? What is your opinion on this?

Your submission should be 350-500 words. Address each of the following questions. Organize your response in a numerical order as follows: 1. Background: Explain how substance abuse and other self-destructive behaviors can affect your health. 2. What is the impact of trauma on addiction. What is the number one public health crisis in America according […]

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