Choose one of the companies listed as a top recipient of defense contracts:Provide an argument as to whether the company you chose impacts the economy in a positive way, or if they positively impact the economics of a few, or whether the company provides a needed service addressing if its work is a reflection of the Iron Triangle dynamics.

As President Eisenhower warned, the Military Industrial Complex has situated itself in a very powerful position with regard to influencing policy making and ensuring significant financial gains from federal contracts. It is important to note that the “iron triangle” does in fact exist amongst many lobbying groups but in particular, the MiC has established a […]

Explain the addition rule of Pascal’s Triangle in your own words in terms of the path coding scheme you worked with in this assignment.

Suppose you want to create a path between each number on Pascal’s Triangle. For this exercise, suppose the only moves allowed are to go down one row either to the left or to the right. We will code the path by using bit strings. In particular, a 0 will be used for each move downward […]

Think of a personal or professional situation where you were either involved in or heard about fraudulent activity:What elements of the fraud triangle were present in that situation? How could the fraud have been prevented?

You may have heard of the accounting and fraud scandals that flooded the news in the early 2000s. Many of these scandals are examples of large-scale fraud. Fraud can happen to individuals or organizations of any size. Think of a personal or professional situation where you were either involved in or heard about fraudulent activity. […]

Find a technical or professional source to analyze.Analyze the document:What limitations do you see to the communication triangle as you apply it to your selected document?

Step 1: Find a technical or professional source to analyze. * Using the internet or hard copy documents to which you have access, find a technical or professional document to analyze for this assignment. * Consider using instructions, business letters, brochures, “junk mail” flyers, a bill. Any of these will work. Step 2: Analyze the […]

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