What elements of this sonnet are unusual? Where is the volta, or turn, in the poem? How does the poem change at the volta? What is the central theme of the work?

Responding to a Narrative Prompt., Love Sonnets Why might Sonnet 18 by Francesco Petrarcha be interpreted as a poem about defeat as much as a poem about love? Use specific examples from the text in your response. Read Sonnet 130 by William Shakespeare now. It is located on page 73 of your Journeys anthology. What […]

Thoroughly analyze and interpret the poem and explain in detail what in the poem applies to the character you chosen and what in the poem would illuminating for that character to understand.

The poem from William Shakespeare think about what applies to the life or perspective of one character from No Country for old men. Thoroughly analyze and interpret the poem and explain in detail what in the poem applies to the character you chosen and what in the poem would illuminating for that character to understand. […]

Explain how the author/creator/producer makes the argument you identify in your argument, and use evidence from the work to prove your point.

ESSAY : ANALYSIS ESSAY Purpose: Critically think about some work of art instead of merely summarizing or describing it. Frequently, the most effective arguments are those told in narrative, through art, or in music. This assignment asks students to choose a work of art and explore its argument. Your argument should identify the work’s argument—instead […]

Explicate one of the assigned sonnets. How do content and form complement each other? Consider the structure of the sonnet as well as poetic devices.

Explicate one of the assigned sonnets. How do content and form complement each other? Consider the structure of the sonnet as well as poetic devices. (such as metaphor, alliteration, etc.). Sonnet 18By William ShakespeareShall I compare thee to a summer’s day?Thou art more lovely and more temperate:Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And […]

King Richard 111 play by William Shakespeare.:Write about why the scene or play is important and why did Shakespeare include that scene.

This is English and literature assignment. It is from King Richard 111 play by William Shakespeare. It has two section A and B. Part A is analysis of a scene in Richard 111. Write about why the scene or play is important and why did Shakespeare include that scene. Would other scene before and after […]

Research and write a short essay about the influence of William Shakespeare on the English language and culture in the English-speaking world.

For this essay, you must research and write a short essay about the influence of William Shakespeare on the English language and culture in the English-speaking world, including literature, the arts, religion, etc. You must cite at least 5 academic sources in-text and in your reference page, according to the APA rules. Your essay should […]

Identify one metaphor in the poems above that we have not yet discussed. Why do you think the poet chose to make this comparison?

Description Confronting Death and Old Age Readings & Materials: 1.) Billy Collins biography 2.) Collins, “Memento Mori” 3.) Emily Dickinson, “Because I could not stop for death” 4.) Dickinson, “I heard a fly buzz” 5.) Dylan Thomas, “Do not go gentle into that good night” 6.) Robert Frost, “After Apple-Picking” 7.) William Shakespeare, “Sonnet 73″ […]

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