Critically evaluate the influence of major theories of second language acquisition on syllabus design.

Extending Practice and ELT Specialism (BAA / DTESL – 07 / 03)

Credit Value : 20

Learning Outcomes

Assessment Criteria

  1. Be able to research a specialist area
  • Design and undertake autonomous research in a specific context.
  • Interpret complex information, concepts and theories as part of research undertaken.
  • Present ideas and arguments clearly and coherently.
  • Critically evaluate actions, methods and results.
  • Present findings in a suitable academic format.

2.Understand approaches and influences on syllabus design.

  • Critically evaluate the influence of major theories of second language acquisition on syllabus design.
  • Evaluate the influence of educational, cultural, social, economic and political factors on syllabus design.
  • Explain the influence of syllabus design on English language teaching methodologies and approaches.
  • Analyse the suitability of different syllabuses.
  1. Be able to design learning programmes to meet identified learner needs.
  • Design inclusive learning programmes to meet learners’ needs.
  • Justify programme content and selected approach.
  • Justify a range of learning and teaching resources, including new and emerging technologies
  1. Understand types, principles and methods of assessment.
  • Explain types and methods of assessment
  • Analyse principles of assessment.
  • Justify selected assessment method.
  • Critically evaluate the uses and purposes of different assessment procedures
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