Relationships Between Environmental Factors and Causes of Ill Health

2: Causes of Ill Health“.

Access the AIHW report “Australia’s Health 2018” here: (Links to an external site.). Refer to Chapter 3 for this assignment.

Task 1: Relationships Between Environmental Factors and Causes of Ill Health

From Assignment 1, you would have chosen an environmental factor (other than nutrition) that contributes to morbidity or mortality during a life stage (e.g. prenatal development). Now, you will find and critique evidence regarding the relationships between the chosen environmental factor and describe how it influences health and disease.

In your “2: Causes of Ill Health” section of your ePortfolio, write a 500-650-word essay describing how your chosen environmental factor relates to causes of ill health as described in sources such as the Australia’s Health 2018 AIHW report. You do not have to refer to all of the causes but refer to more than one.

e.g. Nutrition is linked to type II diabetes through developing insulin resistance in a high sugar diet.

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