Communicate scientifically using the appropriate style and technology.

PART 1: (150-200 Words) (ON A SEPERATE PAGE TO PART 2)
An outline of the scope of your review
A list of the references you intend to use to write your review
Comments on the value of the references

Attached is a Template of how this should be structured named ‘Part 1 Template’

Assessment criteria

Integrate and communicate scientific concepts in the form of a literature review.
Communicate scientifically using the appropriate style and technology .

Demonstrate effective use and management of references using a citation manager .

FORMAT: (Attached is an example of a past students)

The introduction should contain three main pieces of information:

Background information, including the explanation of terms or conditions, that is essential to the reader’s understanding of the information within the body of the review.
The reason(s) as to why the review is important
The purpose or focus of the review
As an example, below is an excerpt from a published review showing each of these pieces of information.

As you can see, you do not need to go into great detail about what the body of your review contains – you simply need to define the scope or purpose.

To write this section, which should contain the majority of your text, you need to integrate all the information you have found through your literature search into paragraphs with a logical flow. How you choose to structure this section will depend on the purpose or focus of your review. For example, you may choose to follow a chronological order if you are writing about the progression of a disease or treatment. Using a few subheadings within the body text can help to guide your writing and focus the reader’s attention. Make sure the content of each sub-section discusses only the topic you have assigned it.

One important point to remember is that your review should focus on the topic, not the research studies themselves. Think about the message the evidence as a whole conveys, rather than the findings of individual papers. The body of your review should include discussion of the major areas of contention surrounding your topic, and make logical interpretations based on the studies you have read. Your review should also include some detail around the methodologies of the studies you discuss. This provides the reader with context, helping them to understand the results and thereby support your argument. To avoid confusing the reader with too much information, remember to only include relevant detail.

Your conclusion should provide a clear and concise summary of the major findings of your review; however, this should not be a reiteration of the points you discussed in the body section. Rather, your conclusion should state what the evidence as a whole suggests about your topic. Additionally, you may want to include suggestions for future research.

Your review is a piece of scientific literature; as such, it is important to use language that reflects this. This includes writing in the third person and past tense, using concise sentences, and avoiding the use of colloquial (layperson’s) language.

An in-text citation needs to be inserted for every statement that is not common knowledge or your own original thought. Generally, the citation will be placed at the end of a sentence. It is not appropriate to place a citation at the end of a paragraph only, even if that paragraph contains information attributable to a single source. At the very least, the citation should be inserted within (or at the end of) the first sentence that refers to the source.



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