Part 1 (1500 words)
Students are required to formulate a relevant empirical research question and hypotheses. Students will have to:
1. Formulate a politically and theoretically relevant empirical research question and describe the research hypotheses that would lead to testing it. State purpose of the study.
2. Establish and rationalise a clear causal relationship associated with the research question.
3. Identify and review relevant literature. What has research related to this question found. Use references appropriately.
4. Discuss methodology. What are the variables involved in the model, causal relationships, what is the data level, the most appropriate observational data; structure, and the level of measurement of the variables included in the model. What are the strengths and limitations of variables I have chosen, how do they help answer the hypothesis, how are the variables coded, justify the choice of variables. Use other research to help.
5. Include graphs and measures of central tendency (using RStudio) exploring the causal relationship identified in the research question. Describe fully in the text what the graphs and tables show.