Think about and explain how you will address the inefficiencies in an industrialized food service operation such as a hospital or school kitchen, large-scale food producer, or restaurant and how your food service concept is different.

Words: 141
Pages: 1
Subject: Healthcare&Medicine

1. Develop an innovative food service concept (restaurant, school food, food truck, etc.) that serves food in an healthy, sustainable manner.
2. Identify and define three core values of your food business and define the demographic and cultural details of your target customer.
3. Think about and explain how you will address the inefficiencies in an industrialized food service operation such as a hospital or school kitchen, large-scale food producer, or restaurant and how your food service concept is different.
4. Discuss how you will address financial and time constraints, farmworker and food service worker rights, humane treatment of animals, consumer acceptability, and feasibility.
5. Identify the benefits, implications or unintended consequences of the values you choose to live by in your restaurant–i.e., the impact on costs, size of customer base, limitations of supply, labor or any other individual, community, societal or planetary impact.

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