Critically evaluate interpretation and gap-filling of the CISG ( Is it effective?, Is it well-prepared?, Is it successful ? and What are the problems and issues for CISG. (1500 – 2000 words)

Words: 129
Pages: 1
Subject: Law

Interpretation and gap-filling are most important element of the conventions to achieve uniformity of its application and implementation in domestic law. Considering its ratification and function, CISG is one of the most successful harmonization project. Issues that should be dealt with in the essay are

– Introduction (500 words)
– Difficulties of harmonization in international commercial law (domestic effects such as local background, implementation and interpretation) (briefly 500-750 words )
-Features of the CISG (history, scope, effects,its success (500 words)
– Interpretation and gap-filling of the CISG (provisions, scope, features,grounds, its importance, its application, its situation in and contribution to general treaty interpretation) (1500 word)
– Critically evaluate interpretation and gap-filling of the CISG ( Is it effective?, Is it well-prepared?, Is it successful ? and What are the problems and issues for CISG. (1500 – 2000 words)
– Conclusion (500 words)

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