Explain your decision and choose the cost drivers or activity bases depending on the type of system you choose.

Complete and submit the following:

a. Portfolio Project Option #2 and explain why you have chosen it.

b. Based on your Portfolio option choice, submit a brief draft answer to the final Portfolio Project’s requirement #1 (listed below). This submission is not meant to be a final project version of this item. Rather, this will provide you with the opportunity to build toward your final project. This will also allow us to determine if your work on the final Portfolio Project is proceeding in the proper direction and provide you with any necessary guidance and feedback on your submission.

Portfolio Project Requirement #1:
Requirement # 1: Determine which type of costing the company will use: Job-order costing, process costing, ABC, or a combination.

Explain your decision and choose the cost drivers or activity bases depending on the type of system you choose.
Discuss what type of costs your company will have in direct materials, direct labor, and manufacturing overhead.
What will be the difficulties faced with assigning manufacturing overhead to your products?
Finally, submit any questions (at least one question is required to be submitted) you have on the requirements of your Portfolio Project.

Attached is a image of the final project

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