Research the best practices for presenting your test results to the client.
This part is just as vital as the tests you chose. If the client doesn’t understand the results or feels shame or fear as you present the results, it will not set a good foundation for the treatment plan.
Remember, you want to communicate the results in the client’s language not in technical counseling terms.
Most importantly, you want to connect the results to the key constructs of their personality-character structure.
This connects testing to the deep, internal growth that needs to take place for a more transformative change in who they are which will naturally address and reduce the symptoms for which they came to counseling.
Remember to complete the Case Formulation and Treatment Plan.
Write a 2 to 4 page paper on how you will present the testing results to your client.
Use the APA style, which at a minimum includes the title page, running head, headings if appropriate, and a “References” list if you cite any references in your paper. You do not need an abstract. The title page and reference list do not count in page total.
Attach your completed Case Formulation and Treatment Plan.