Did Paul die when he was stoned in Lystra? What is the evidence for each position, yes and no? Paul’s testimony in 2 Corinthians 12 is often associated with this event. Is that valid?

Did Paul die when he was stoned in Lystra? What is the evidence for each position, yes and no? Paul’s testimony in 2 Corinthians 12 is often associated with this event. Is that valid? What are the reasons why it should or should not be associated with his stoning? Use the Bible, Ger, and one additional scholarly source to research this and to present your position.

Fresh on the heels of the Jerusalem Council, Paul insists on circumcising Timothy. Why would he consider this necessary? Was Paul being hypocritical, since the Council had just determined Gentiles need not be circumcised for salvation? Use the Bible, Ger, and one additional scholarly source to research this and to present your position.

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