Analysis part 1 (350 words): How is the legal issue that the judge addresses in paragraphs 47-49 inclusive (beginning with, ‘Section 2(1) of the Forfeiture Act ending with, ‘the motivation of the offender’) applied in this case?
Note: If you are looking at the case directly from WestLaw, the paragraphs will be referenced as 47 to 49 in the text of the judgment.
Analysis part 2 (350 words): Critically evaluate the importance of the decision in Ninian, taking into account not only its importance to relief from forfeiture, but also the principles of co-ownership more broadly.
Please follow the specific marking criteria and the instructions attached
OSCOLA Referencing: It is not required to use footnotes for the bridging coursework. However, you must cite as you write (as you would in an exam). You are required to submit a bibliography (in alphabetical order (by surname). The bibliography should include all sources cited directly in your work. The bibliography should not include a list sources you have only referred to in your research and preparation.