Vocabulary Self-Assessment Chart: Deep Knowledge Words – Assignment
Galen College of Nursing
Textbook: Understanding Anatomy & Physiology Chapter: 17 Pages: 82-86 Learning Outcomes: ___________________________________________________
Vocabulary Knowledge Ratings, Dates Definition Evidence (Original sentence using your own words) Progress
Associative: New to me/general sense Comprehensive: General sense in reading, listening Generative: I can write and talk with this word
Necrosis – death of body tissue. Without turning the patient regularly as she recuperates, necrosis could cause pressure ulcers.
Got it! : )
1. Meniscus 9/03 9/04 9/06 Meniscus- a thin fibrous cartilage between the surfaces of some joints
2. Equilibrium 9/03 9/04 9/06
3. Diaphysis 9/3 9/4 9/6 Diaphysis – the shaft or central part of a long bone.
4. Epiphyses 9/4 9/5 9/6 End part of a long bone.
5. Periosteum 9/4 9/5 9/6
6. Endosteum 9/4 9/5 9/7
7. Osteoclast 9/4 9/5 9/7
8. Ossification 9/4 9/5 9/7
9. Endochondral 9/5 9/6 9/7
10. Osteoporosis 9/5 9/6 9/7
11. Osteomalacia 9/5 9/6 9/7
12. Metaphysis 9/7 9/8 9/9
13. Medullary 9/7 9/8 9/9
14. Tibia 9/7 9/8 9/9
15. Foramina 9/7 9/8 9/9
Morphemic Analysis:
Look at your list of words above. Pick two words in which you originally had an associate meaning of the word. Apply morphemic analysis by using steps a – d for these two words. See example below:
Word: Exocrine
a. underline the root, circle the prefixes and suffixes. Example: Exocrine
b. List words you know that are similar and have a common root. Example: heterocrine, hypercrinia, neurocrina
c. Use the meaning of your chosen word and apply it in a sentence. Make sure the sentence makes sense. Exocrine glands play an integral part of secreting substances out of the body.
d. Reassemble the word and note how you can remember it, write it on your paper. Example: Using the prefix of exo for outside and crine for to secrete, I can put the words together to remember that exocrine will secrete out.
Word: ________________________
Word: _________________________
Reflection: Reflect on how deep knowledge words and morphemic analysis can be a useful study tool and or test-taking technique. (3 to 5 sentences or 100 to 150 words.)