What kind of philosophical standpoints are applied to the case study and why?

Please follow all customer’s instructions:
‘Identify a case study either from the media (online newspapers etc.), or journal article which is illustrative of an aspect of the critical perspectives on knowledge. You should address the following questions in your essay: What is knowledge? What are the philosophical standpoints of knowledge? What kind of philosophical standpoints are applied to the case study and why?
You should review relevant literature on the research philosophy (epistemology and ontology). Using your case study as the example, critically reflect on the ways in which the theories and critical debates from the lectures and your own reading, help you to explore the complexity of the issue in an essay format. 2,000 words limit.’
For now you haven’t provided any case study which your paper should be based on.
Use the sources provided by the customer.
All factual information should be properly cited. Statements such as ‘Many philosophers and researchers state’, ‘Philosophers also argue that society’ etc. are unacceptable without proper citations.
Each source from the reference list should have an appropriate in-text citation and vice versa. Harvard referencing is required.
For now your paper needs a thorough revision.
Proofread thoroughly before submitting. Make sure to meet the required word count.

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