Identify the different risk factors included in the water-low risk assessment tool and explain their relevance.

Introduction to your essay
• chosen tool: water-low nursing risk assessment tool
• Discuss why water-low risk assessment is important in practice
– Prevalence data with reference
– Consequences of not undertaking this type of risk assessment with reference
– E.g. Cost to NHS; with reference
– Impact on the patients (Physical and psychological impact on patients) with reference

• Identify the different risk factors included in the water-low risk assessment tool and explain their relevance.
– What risk factors are included in water-low risk assessment tool? And their relevance with reference
– How would these factors contribute to a patient being at risk? With reference

• Discuss what actions could be implemented to address the identified risk factors, including any multi-agency involvement.
– What actions could be implemented to address the different risk factors identified?
– Include the rationale for each action (i.e. how will this help to reduce the risk) and support with evidence.
– What other members of the multi-agency team would be involved in these actions, and what would they do?
– Again include the rationale for their actions and support with evidence.

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