What distinguishes a team as high performing within a health care environment? Identify five reasons why high-performing teams are necessary when assessing quality.

In a paper of 1,000-1,250-word, address the following: clinical and administrative sides.

1. Why are teams a valuable point of focus when considering quality improvement in health care?

2. What distinguishes a team as high performing within a health care environment? Identify five reasons why high-performing teams are necessary when assessing quality.

3. Discuss how team processes and the varying roles of individuals can impact quality assessment both positively and negatively. Consider elements such as leadership roles, individual responsibilities, delegation of tasks, decision making, ongoing training/education, etc.

4. How does the cross-functionality of a high-performing team enhance its ability to meet the quality improvement goals of a health care organization? How might having an interdisciplinary team potentially create conflict? How could these tensions be mitigated to improve team effectiveness?

5. How do elements such as conflict and change affect the dynamics of the team and its ability to reach a unified goal?

6. Discuss the resources and types of support available that might enhance a team’s efforts for continued quality improvement. Consider how components such as team culture, support, communication, and rewards may come into play.

Cite at least three scholarly references; Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines,
Due Date: 22-Aug-2020 at 05:59:59 PM

Thesis is comprehensive and contains the essence of the paper. Thesis statement makes the purpose of the paper clear.

Discuss about the value of teams in health care quality improvement is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support.

Five distinguishing characteristics of a high-performing quality assessment team are thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support.

Discuss about the impact of team processes and team member roles on quality assessment is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support.

Give exploration of how the dynamics of a cross-functional or interdisciplinary team influence effectiveness is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support.

Analyze the effects of conflict and change on a team and its dynamics is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support.

Discuss about the resources and types of support available for continued quality improvement team efforts is thoroughly explored and clearly explained with relevant details and support.
Clear and convincing argument presents a persuasive claim in a distinctive and compelling manner. All sources are authoritative. Sources are completely and correctly documented, as appropriate to assignment and style, and format is free of error.

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