Analyse the formal elements of Pull My Daisy and Little Stabs at Happiness that draw attention to the process of making the films.

You must write on films studied on this module. These include:
All films in Weeks 2-6.
Martina’s Playhouse (Peggy Ahwesh, 1989)
The Connection (Shirley Clarke, 1961)

Analyse the formal elements of Pull My Daisy and Little Stabs at Happiness that draw attention to the process of making the films.

Analyse one or two films on the module that share techniques in common with other art practices (e.g. music, poetry, painting [abstraction expressionism]). You can make the comparison between film and just one other art practice if you wish.

Who or what is the protagonist of Window Water Baby Moving?
* You may also wish to compare Window Water Baby Moving with Cat’s Cradle.

Analyse the formal treatment of femininity or masculinity in one or two of the films studied on the module.

Analyse the ways that The Act of Seeing With One’s Own Eyes positions spectators in relationship to the film’s subject matter.

Analyse the formal treatment and sensuous and affective* appeal of popular culture in one or two of the films studied on the module.
* Of or relating to the affections or emotions, especially as contrasted with the intellect or rational faculty; emotional.

Analyse performance in one or two films studied on the module.

Analyse the formal treatment of sexuality in one or two films studied on the module.

Critically reflect on Carolee Schneeman’s suggestion that Fuses is in conversation with Window Water Baby Moving.

Analyse the use of split-screen in Chelsea Girls. Questions to consider include (but are not limited to): what implications does the use of split-screen have for spectatorship?

Critically reflect on the politics of representation in any film or two films on the module (paying attention to the intersection of any pairing of sexuality, gender, class, and race [remembering that analysis of representation may include engaging with issues relating to cultural appropriation, and that to think about race may include thinking about whiteness]).

Analyse the mix of documentary and narrative fiction modes in any two films on the module.

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