I would like a well detailed 250-300 words of answering the following question;Why is it important to know the patient’s learning style(s)?

I would like a well detailed 250-300 words of answering the following question. please make sure you use APA format and provide references, and please make sure all the questions are answered.

1) Why is it important to know the patient’s learning style(s)?
2) How is awareness of learning style relate to health assessment?
3) Discuss the rationale for obtaining a family history.
4) Discuss the rationale for obtaining a systems review.

5) Please identify, read, and post the citation (in proper APA format) for an evidenced-based article regarding the complete health history. The article should be from a peer-reviewed journal since 2010. Please provide a 1-3 sentence commentary on the article and how it relates to the discussion.

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