Using data now populated in your table will allow a deeper examination of variance across practice sites, models, and locations, and help you to discuss variance in your paper.

Table Instructions QA/QI Model

The table we are using is a frequency distribution table. It is a method of tallying and representing how often certain items occur. For our assignment, you have a template for your paper that you will download and enter the data in the table following the references. The table is done in word, so when you download, save it as a word document.

On the table we have already supplied the items you are to use (practice models, location and setting along with the categories for each one). These are in the first column.

The second column is labeled frequency. Here you will put how often each of the different categories occur in your sample.

You can find this information on the excel spreadsheet you were supplied. So, to start you would look for the label practice model and count the number of practices that were APRN/Midwife led.

Then you would divide this number by the total sample size. For example, if your sample size was 12, and 4 of these were an APRN/Midwife led clinic you would enter the number 4 under frequency.

Then you could calculate the percentage of your sample that number represents by dividing 4 by 12 = .30 or 30%. So, after the number 4, you would enter (30).

Practice model Frequency
APRN/Midwife lead 4 (30) Note: you do not include the %.

For column 3, you are reporting the frequency and the percentage of each of the categories that are overall compliant with the criteria we are reviewing. The benchmark we have set to be compliant is 50% or greater.

Here the overall sample size may change if you have missing data or criteria that is N/A. So, to begin with you would go to the first APRN/ midwife led practice and scroll to the right to see overall compliance percentage.

Again, if an individual respondent (practice) shows 50% or more compliance, it is considered to be compliant. This would indicate that this practice site was overall compliant in meeting the criteria as it meets (and it can exceed) the 50% benchmark.

You need to calculate this for each of the 4 APRN/Midwife lead clinics. So, if 3 of the 4 have a compliance rate of 50% or higher, then overall compliance for the APRN/Midwife lead clinic would be a frequency of 3 or 75%. So, under overall compliance on the APRN/Midwife lead model line you would enter 3 (75).
Practice Model Frequency Overall Compliance
APRN/Midwife lead 4 (30) 3 (75)

For column 4 and 5, you will use the same process that you used to populate numbers and percentages in column 3. This time, however, you will be narrowing it down to CABC (column 4 in your table) indicators (Q 6-8 in your data, and JC (column 5 in your table) indicators (Q 9-11 in your data) and following the same calculations.

Using data now populated in your table will allow a deeper examination of variance across practice sites, models, and locations, and help you to discuss variance in your paper.

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