Analyse an aviation organisation’s competitive environment including competitive positions and core competences.

Words: 121
Pages: 1
Subject: Business

Demonstrate a critical application of different models of, and approaches to, strategic management, and interpret these as bases of strategic choice.

ii.Analyse an aviation organisation’s competitive environment including competitive positions and core competences.

Task A: Undertake a strategic audit to establish the key SWOT of Gulf Air using the attached template. (70%)

Task B: Based onthe outcomes onyour strategic audit above (task A), comment on the current strategic positionof Gulf Air in the aviation market. (30%)

Your analysis should focus on both the internal and external environment of Gulf Air and can include elements of the airlines present competitive position, available resources, core competencies and the external market-place.

Your assignment submission should be presented in an academic report format with clear references and submitted online.

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