BA-BPOLO2010U: Quantitative Methods for Business and Social Science General instructions Content and format:
•The assignment is individual and should be maximum 10 CBS standard pages. Please follow CBS guidelines regarding all content.–This is an upper limit, fewer pages are fine.–The R-code that you provide in the Appendix does not counttowards your page limit.
•Please do not include the text of the questions in your answer submission, but do include the exact question number. Submit the final document with the subquestions following the order from the exam sheet.
•Please respond toall questionsto the best of your knowledge and do it in your own words.•Do not plagiarize and keep in mind that this is an individual assignment!
•In case you are using a particular idea/comment from somewhere, please add a reference. Use anystyle, but be consistent (Chicago, APA, etc.). You do not need to cite calculation methods from thebook or lecture slides, such as the standard error calculation, or the formula for the mean.
•If you are asked to calculate something, describe how you calculated it and put the results in context.
Elaborate on your answers in order to show that you are able to explain statistical results and able to make substantive interpretations.
•Remember to report relevant output in the exam document. You can just copy-paste it directly fromRor add the figures, you do not need to spend much time on formatting tables for this exam as longas the results you present are readable and understandable.
•Everything must be handed in as one.pdffile (including appendix of R code appendix)