Discuss some of the concerns or issues that might arise in a workplace setting with an individual that has this personality disorder.

Explain the initial problem in sufficient detail to make clear your decisions regarding assessment.

Based on the above, answer the following questions in essay format:

What would be the most appropriate instrument in personality assessment for evaluating the primary presenting problem?

What are the strengths regarding what this instrument can tell us about the client?

Why is this the most appropriate instrument? (Be sure to include appropriate reference to source materials.)

What are the limitations of what this instrument can tell us about the client?

Discuss some of the concerns or issues that might arise in a workplace setting with an individual that has this personality disorder.

Elaborate on how this disorder could affect the workplace culture/climate in regards to behavior, interpersonal and group interactions, and productivity.

In your discussion of the assessment process, including administration and interpretation, consider professional competencies that reflect the professional characteristics, culture of a given work setting and how these practices are essential to an effective multicultural competency environment.

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