Using Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model, found on pp. 8-10 in your Giger textbook as your assessment framework, perform and document a cultural assessment performed with an individual with a different ethnicity than your own.

Using Giger and Davidhizar’s Transcultural Assessment Model, found on pp. 8-10 in your Giger textbook as your assessment framework, perform and document a cultural assessment performed with an individual with a different ethnicity than your own (please avoid using family members). Please provide the client with confidentiality in preparing this assessment.

In your narrative style paper, address each phenomena of the cultural assessment framework. Provide a brief description of the assessment component, your client’s data, and then a comparison of your client to the identified cultural norms.

The submitted document should be 8-10 pages, in APA format excluding the title page and reference page with use of appropriate headings, and be written as a narrative that includes five (5) resources specifically relating to the individual’s ethnicity. Two or more of these resources should be scholarly research.

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