Choose current articles related to Health Services Administration (HSA):Provide a summary of the article and explain how your article relates to Health Services Administration (HSA) and or any chapters within the course required textbook.

Current Health Services Administration (HSA) News Article/Trends in healthcare administration”.

Choose current articles related to Health Services Administration (HSA). The article of choice can focus on leadership, health services, health management, or any topic/chapter within the course required textbook. Your chosen article must be from a reputable source (journal article, newspaper, etc.) that has a date of publication. Your article does not need to be approved by the instructor, however, if you are not sure if the article you chose is acceptable notify the instructor via course email before the assignment is due.
The article’s publication date should be from September of 2018 to the current date (this is supposed to be a current event). Do not use Blogs and or Wikipedia. Try to utilize FIU online Library for your article of choice.
You are expected to read and report on your article in a Three-Five (3-5) pages (Excluding title and reference pages). Assignment MUST BE typed assignment on a Microsoft Word Document. The following should be included in your assignment:
Assignment Layout
Introduction: Explain why you chose your article.
Report content: Provide a summary of the article and explain how your article relates to Health Services Administration (HSA) and or any chapters within the course required textbook. If you choose a topic that we have not discussed in this course then you will need to do some extra reading and research.

As a future Healthcare Administrator, discuss a major trend in healthcare administration for each of the following areas (Financing, Regulation, and Provision). Be sure to state the trend, the effect, the reaction, and the results on healthcare providers, administrators, and consumers.

Summary/Conclusion: Include your closing thoughts about the article and current trends in healthcare (e.g. How does this affect you as a future health administrator and/or your future patients/clients?).
TWO references are required. Use the course textbook and or any credible resource, etc. as an additional reference for the background information in your summary. Cite your sources whenever paraphrasing or directly quoting someone else’s work. You should cite your article and at least one other source that you used for background information (in APA format).

Provide a separate References page of the sources used for your current event summary (APA format).
The assignment should be Three-Five (3-5) pages in length (excluding title and reference pages). This means that your article should have a sufficient amount of Health Services Administration (HSA) content in order to complete the assignment.

The assignment must be written in complete sentences. Proper grammar, mechanics, spelling, and punctuation must be used throughout the summary.

The assignment MUST BE typed out on a word document in APA format. Each paragraph should consist of 5-6 complete sentences.  12 font size should be used, font names that should be used are Times New Roman or Cambria (not both), normal margins (no more than 1 inch), double spaced, indentation, etc.

Include a title page that consists of your name (First and Last), Panther ID number, and title of the article (APA format).

A link to your article should be submitted as a reference in proper APA format with your assignment on the day that it is due.

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