Why do you think you value these things? What parts of your past experiences or upbringing has lead you to value these 2 or 3 concepts most? b. Would your top 2 or 3 values be different if you did this activity last year? How? Why?

Go through the list of values on the next page, circle all the ones that stick out to you. If you feel a concept is missing, write it in then circle it. Circle at least 10 words.
Now, narrow down those 10+ concepts to 5 top values.
Now, narrow down to 3 top values. Could you narrow down to two?

In the Values Discussion forum, discuss what your top 2 or 3 values ended up being:
a. Why do you think you value these things? What parts of your past experiences or upbringing has lead you to value these 2 or 3 concepts most?
b. Would your top 2 or 3 values be different if you did this activity last year? How? Why?
c. In what ways do you see these values manifest in your daily life? What actions do you take that express these values? How do you allocate your time or energy in a way that prioritizes these things?
What/Who has shaped you and your values? Have there been any specific events that has changed your thinking?

List of Values

Achievement Curiosity Health Pragmatism
Adaptability Decisiveness Honesty Privacy
Adventure Deepness Hospitality Quality
Affection Dependability Humility Reason
Affluence Devotion Humor Reflection
Altruism Dignity Imagination Resilience
Amusement Diplomacy Independence Resolution
Appreciation Discovery Influence Respect
Approachability Diversity Ingenuity Self-reliance
Artfulness Duty Inquisitiveness Service
Availability Education Intelligence Sharing
Balance Empathy Intimacy Significance
Beauty Entertainment Justice Simplicity
Belonging Ethical Leadership Stability
Benevolence Expressiveness Learning Strength
Blissfulness Fairness Logic Substantiality
Bravery Faith Love Teamwork
Calmness Fame Loyalty Trust
Candor Focus Mindfulness Truth
Caring Freedom Mystery Uniqueness
Challenge Friendliness Openness Unity
Charity Fun Order Virtue
Commitment Generosity Originality Vision
Compassion Genuineness Passion Warmth
Composure Giving Philanthropy Wealth
Confidence Grace Playfulness Wisdom
Connection Gratitude Popularity Wonder
Craftiness Growth Power
Creativity Harmony Practicality

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